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1996 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar README August 29, 1996 This file provides general troubleshooting information and technical information about editing the POWERUP.INI file for expert computer users. For general information about using the program, consult the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar User's Guide or supplements (if any). You may read this file on your computer screen or print it by choosing Print from the File menu. SPECIAL THANKS ============== Special thanks to Patrick Walsh, Kevin O'Connell and Leah Shapiro for the fine work on the videos. GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING ======================= Sample Calendars: When loading one of the sample calendars provided with The Sports Illustrated Calendar, open the workspace (.CCW) file and the necessary event list(s) are automatically opened. If the location of the associated picture files for a sample calendar (or any calendar you create) has changed, a dialog box appears, simply select the appropriate drive. Computers with less than 1 megabyte of RAM memory may experience problems printing multiple month calendars. -If calendar output looks poor, try decreasing the number of DPIs (dots per inch). Refer to your printer manual and to Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar documentation. General Problems: If the coloring of the pictures of swimsuit models appears poor, make sure that you have a SVGA monitor, video card, and video driver installed that handle 256 colors. Refer to your Windows manual or video card documentation. See your Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar documentation. If you begin to experience sudden changes in the performance of the program such as: -missing information in menus or dialog boxes -missing events -intermittent printing problems Exit the program. Try deleting the file $CCW_D02.CC$ found in C:\WINDOWS\, and then restart Windows. If you experience trouble changing fonts via the Font selection of the Format pull down menu, try double clicking on the text you wish to modify to bring up the Layout options. You can change the fonts from this dialog box. If errors occur when editing an event list that is sorted by date, sort the event list by name and try making the same changes. If you recieve error #90 "Unable to paste event." Try keeping the event list open when you execute the Paste command. If calendars appear distorted when viewing a small calendar, try decreasing the Zoom percentage. If portions of the calendar seem blacked out, try exiting and restarting Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar. If you get an error when trying to drag an image from a power album onto a calendar you are creating, make sure you have the CD in the drive. If certain videos look halted, try copying them to the hard drive in the directory the Swimsuit Screen Saver is installed in. the default directory is Swimss. PENTIUM USERS ============= If you are running the software on a Pentium machine, the screen saver automatically runs full screen videos and photos. To change this, select the Media button on the main window of the screen saver program. Across the top of the window there are a number of tabs. Select the "Video" tab. Click on one of the files in one of the named directories with an .avi extension. See the box marked "Video Size" with a set of radio buttons. Select "Original" On the bottom of that box, see a check box labeled, "Apply choices to group"- click on the box to fill it in. Repeat this process for each named group on the CD. This should minimize the choppiness seen on some machines. POWERUP.INI =========== There are several options that you can set or add to your POWERUP.INI file to optimize the performance of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar. This is recommended for advanced Windows users only. The POWERUP.INI file is located in your Windows directory. Make a backup copy of the file before you start editing it. Use a text editor like Notepad to edit the file. (Be sure to save your changes.) You must exit Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar and restart it for the changes to take effect. NOTE: The POWERUP.INI file is also used by other SoftKey products, such as Express Publisher and PowerAlbum. You should leave any entries for those programs alone, or you may affect their performance. The default values and descriptions are listed below. The characters in brackets (e.g. [Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar]) define the section of the POWERUP.INI file where the entries are located. [Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar] BackgroundMax=1900 This sets the maximum size, in dots, for background pictures. If you experience problems when printing large background pictures, you may want to set this option to a lower number. Since the value is in dots, you may get a larger background picture on the screen than you do when printing. (Min=100, Max=2400) BigPictureBorderMargin=5 This sets the distance, in 1/100 of an inch, between the edge of a big picture and its border on all four sides. (Min=0, Max=100) BigPictureDescMargin=2 This sets the distance, in 1/100 of an inch, between a big picture (or its border, if selected) and a big picture title. (Min=0, Max=100) ClipboardFormats=2 This tells Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar which graphic file format to use when you choose Edit | Copy Calendar in order to place a calendar on the Clipboard. Some applications accept pictures pasted from the Clipboard better if they are bitmaps, others prefer metafiles. Enter 1 for Bitmap, 2 for Metafile, or 3 for both. If you are using a high resolution, 256-color video driver, you may experience problems with the bitmap format. In that case, you must use setting 2. ColumnWidthTestString=NNNNNN Enter a number of characters to specify how much space must exist to the side of small left- or right-justified event pictures in order to place the event text next to the picture. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar uses the width of the group of characters in the event's font and type size to calculate the space. If you decrease the number of characters, more event names will appear to the side of small graphics, but they are likely to be heavily hyphenated. (Min=2 characters, Max=10 characters) EventMarginX=1 EventMarginY=1 These control the line space between events and the margins between events as well as the date box boundaries. The numbers are measured in 1/100 of an inch. If you decrease the number, events will appear closer together and closer to the date box boundary. (Min=1, Max=20) FooterMargin=5 This sets the distance, in 1/100 of an inch, between the bottom of the calendar and the footer. (Min=0, Max=100) HeaderMargin=5 This sets the distance, in 1/100 of an inch, between the bottom of the largest header element (either title, subtitle, title picture, or small calendar) and the top of the calendar. (Min=0, Max=100) Hebrew=Yes Set this to No in order to turn off the display of the Hebrew &fields in the &field dialog, and the Repeat Every Hebrew anniversary rule on the Repeat dialog. This does not affect the translation or use of Hebrew &fields and repeat rules that already exist in event lists or workspaces. HyphenZone=30 This is the size, in 1/100 of an inch, that the program leaves at the end of a line without trying to hyphenate words to fit in the space. If you decrease this number, Calendar Creator Plus will hyphenate more words. (Min=10, Max=100) ImportExportDelimiter=, This sets the delimiter used when importing or saving to comma delimited files (CSV). You can set this to another character (like a hyphen [-] or a period), if desired. MidPointMargin=15 This is used only for layouts with Big Picture on Top. Specify in 1/100 of an inch how much margin to leave in the middle of the page, below the big picture and above the calendar. This affects how far down the calendar will appear on the bottom half of the page, and how far up the big picture and its title (if any) will appear on the top half of the page. (Min=0, Max=100) MinColumnWidth=100 This sets the minimum width, in 1/100 of an inch, of event columns specified in the Layout Options/Event Display dialog. When using either automatic mode or a user-specified number of columns, the program will not make any columns smaller than this width. NOTE: This may result in the number of actual columns displayed being different from the number specified. (Min=0, Max=999) MinDiskSpace=512 This sets the minimum disk space, in kilobytes, needed in your Temp drive before Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar will start. (Min=0, Max=64000) MinFreeSpace=1024 This sets the minimum free memory, in kilobytes, needed before Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar will start. (Min=0, Max=64000) MinNoteHeight=14 This sets the minimum distance, in 1/100 of an inch, between lines in the To Do areas of the two-page month, week schedule, and day layouts. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar adjusts the distance based on form size, but the distance will get no smaller than this value. (Min=0, Max=99) MinResourceSpace=5 This sets the minimum amount, expressed as a percentage, of system resources that must be available before Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar will start. (Min=0, Max=99) MinWordLength=7 This is the minimum word length required under normal circumstances to have Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar hyphenate a word that does not fit on a line. If you decrease the number, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar will hyphenate shorter words. (Min=3, Max=10) NoteLines=40 This option determines the number of dashed lines to print in the To Do areas of the 2-page month, work schedule, and day layouts. The total available area is divided by this number to yield the number of dashed lines. The distance between lines can be no smaller than the MinNoteHeight. PictureBorder=4 This sets the distance, in 1/100 of an inch, between event pictures and the cell borders or adjacent event text. (Min=0, Max=30) PrintFontsInBlack=Yes This is for black and white (non-color) printers only. This option controls how colored fonts print on black and white printers when the Print In Black And White checkbox in the Print dialog box is turned OFF (blank). If this option is set to Yes, all nonwhite fonts will print in black. If the option is set to No, then nonwhite fonts will be dithered by the printer driver which may result in their appearing very light or disappearing. PrintPreview=0 This controls the display of text in the small print preview calendars that appear in the Printing dialog box. The default setting of 0 turns off the display of text, leaving only pictures and lines. A setting of 1 displays the text along with the pictures and lines. If you are using video drivers that were not supplied with Windows, you should leave this setting at 0 to avoid possible problems. Otherwise, you can use a setting of 1 to display the text. SecondLineIndentPercent=8 This tells the program to indent the second and subsequent lines of event names by the specified percentage of the column width. Decrease the number to leave a smaller indent. (Min=0, Max=50) SecondLineIndentMax=15 This sets the maximum distance, in 1/100 of an inch, that the program can indent second and subsequent lines of event names. The indent is controlled by the SecondLineIndentPercent discussed above. (Min=0, Max=50) [Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar Print Options] FudgeX=0 FudgeY=0 These adjust the printed output on each page to allow for minor printer adjustments and form alignment. You can enter a positive or negative integer to move the output in the X and/or Y direction in 1/100 of an inch. FudgeX moves the output left and right across the page; FudgeY moves the output up and down the page. Note that the paper width is defined on the Page Setup dialog box in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar. (Min=-100, Max=100) [SHOWPICT] KodakPCDSizes=192,128,384,256,20000,20000,1536,1024,3072,2048 Normally you should never have to change this setting. Kodak CD's contain each image in five different resolutions. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar uses this INI setting to determine which resolution to use. This depends on the picture size needed on the calendar, and the resolution of your screen or printer. The numbers are pairs of x and y sizes (in pixels) that define the boundaries of each resolution. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar uses the pair that is one size larger than the image requires. For example, if an image were 180 pixels across by 100 pixels down, the program would use resolution pair number 1 (192, 128). BigTif=No This option limits the size of the TIFF files that can be displayed or printed in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar. If the setting is No, you cannot read in TIFF files larger than 1 Mb. Changing the setting to Yes allows you to read in larger TIFF files, but it may cause problems with some video drivers. If you want to use larger TIFFs and experience problems, try rerunning Windows Setup and choosing a lower resolution setting for Display. [Aliases] Roman=TimesNewRomanPS Modern=Arial MT These aliases are used to assign the fonts when you choose Workspace/New or when you open one of the event lists that ships with Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar. The aliases are only used when the program cannot find an alias for the Roman or Modern fonts in WIN.INI (when using TrueType) or ATM.INI (when using ATM). [Calendar Paper Stocks] Stock0=Letter - 8.5 x 11,C,P,0.00,0.00,11.00,8.50,1, 1,11.00,8.50,0.75,0.50,0.75,0.50,I Stock1=Legal - 8.5 x 14,C,P,0.00,0.00,14.00,8.50,1, 1,14.00,8.50,0.50,0.50,0.75,0.50,I Stock2=Wide - 14 x 11,T,P,0.00,0.00,11.00,14.00,1, 1,11.00,14.00,0.50,0.50,0.75,0.50,I Stock3=Pocket - 3.75 x 6.75,C,P,0.00,0.00,6.75,3.75,1, 1,6.75,3.75,0.50,0.35,0.63,0.35,I Stock4=Organizer - 5.5 x 8.5,C,P,0.00,0.00,8.50,5.50,1, 1,8.50,5.50,0.50,0.35,0.63,0.35,I Stock5=Two/page - 8.5 x 5.5,C,P,0.00,0.00,5.50,8.50,1, 2,11.00,8.50,0.35,0.63,0.35,0.25,I Stock6=Three/page - 6.75 x 3.66,C,P,0.00,0.00,3.66,6.75,1, 3,11.00,8.50,0.41,0.35,0.35,0.35,I Stock7=Four/page - 4.25 x 5.5,C,P,0.00,0.00,5.50,4.25,2, 2,11.00,8.50,0.41,0.35,0.41,0.35,I Stock8=InstaBook - 2/page,C,P,0.00,0.00,5.50,8.50,1, 2,11.00,8.50,0.35,0.63,0.35,0.35,I Stock9=InstaBook - 4/page,C,P,0.00,0.00,5.50,4.25,2, 2,11.00,8.50,0.35,0.50,0.35,0.35,I Stock10=InstaBook - 12/page,C,P,0.00,0.00,3.66,2.12,4, 3,11.00,8.50,0.35,0.40,0.35,0.35,I Stock11=A3 - 29.7 x 42 cm,C,P,0.00,0.00,42.00,29.70,1, 1,42.00,29.70,1.20,1.20,1.60,1.20,M Stock12=A4 - 21 x 29.7 cm,C,P,0.00,0.00,29.70,21.00,1, 1,29.70,21.00,1.20,1.20,1.60,1.20,M Stock13=A5 - 14.8 x 21 cm,C,P,0.00,0.00,21.00,14.80,1, 1,21.00,14.80,1.20,1.20,1.60,1.20,M Stock14=A4 InstaBook - 2/page,C,P,0.00,0.00,14.85,21.00,1, 2,29.70,21.00,0.75,1.00,0.75,0.75,M Stock15=A4 InstaBook - 4/page,C,P,0.00,0.00,14.85,10.48,2, 2,29.70,21.00,0.75,1.00,0.75,0.75,M Stock16=A4 InstaBook - 12/page,C,P,0.00,0.00,9.90,5.23,4, 3,29.70,21.00,0.75,1.00,0.75,0.75,M Stock17=Power Up M0030 - 8.5 x 5.5,C,P,0.00,0.00,5.50,8.50,1, 2,11.00,8.50,0.35,0.35,0.35,0.35,I Stock18=Power Up M0040 - 2.5 x 4.5,C,P,0.00,0.00,4.50,2.50,3, 2,11.00,8.50,0.35,0.35,0.35,0.35,I Stock19=Power Up M0401 - 3.75 x 6.75,T,P,0.88,0.00,6.75,3.75,1, 1,8.50,3.75,0.50,0.35,0.56,0.35,I Stock20=Power Up M0402 - 5.5 x 8.5,T,P,0.00,0.00,8.50,5.50,1, 1,8.50,5.50,0.50,0.35,0.66,0.35,I Stock21=Power Up M0701 - 3.75 x 6.75,C,P,0.00,0.00,6.75,3.75,2, 1,11.00,8.50,0.50,0.35,0.56,0.35,I Stock22=Power Up M0702 - 5.5 x 8.5,C,P,0.00,0.00,8.50,5.50,1, 1,11.00,8.50,0.50,0.35,0.66,0.35,I Stock23=DiscoverSoft - 5.5 x 8.5,C,P,0.00,1.50,8.50,5.50,1, 1,11.00,8.50,0.50,0.35,0.63,0.35,I Stock24=3 across test,C,P,0.00,0.00,3.66,8.50,1, 3,11.00,8.50,0.41,0.35,0.35,0.35,I Stock25=3 across test 2,C,P,0.00,0.00,3.66,8.50,1, 3,11.00,8.50,0.41,0.35,0.35,0.35,I These entries define your default paper stocks. If you have deleted or changed entries in the Page Setup dialog box in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar and want to reset the values to the original ones, you can either copy the values from this file or delete all the Stock entries in your POWERUP.INI and reinstall Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar. You should not attempt to edit these values in the POWERUP.INI file. Choose Modify in the Page Setup dialog box to change the dimensions of a selected paper stock. ADDITIONAL OPTIONS ================== The following options may be added to the POWERUP.INI file. They introduce the features described below: Day1-Day7 Change these to rename the day names. Day1 defines the first day name, Day7 defines the last day name. New day names can consist of up to 20 characters. Example: Day1=Rest Day Day7=Play Day The above redefines the following: Sunday becomes "Rest Day" Saturday becomes "Play Day" HebrewMonth1-HebrewMonth13 Change these to rename the Hebrew month names. HebrewMonth1 defines the first Hebrew month name. HebrewMonth13 defines the last Hebrew month name. New month names can consist of up to 25 characters. Example: HebrewMonth5=MiddleMonth The above redefines the following: The fifth Hebrew month becomes "MiddleMonth" Month1-Month12 Change these to rename the month names. Month1 defines the first month name. Month12 defines the last month name. New month names can consist of up to 25 characters. Example: Month2=Cold Weather Month4=Springtime The above redefines the following: February becomes "Cold Weather" April becomes "Springtime" Royalty Free Use of Clip Art, Photographs, Sounds and Fonts =========================================================== 1. Clip Art and Photographs: Subject to the restrictions described below, you may resell the clip art or photo images in printed form and you may make copies of the images for use in advertisements, public or private presentations, business communications, multimedia presentations, and other similar uses. For example, subject to the restrictions described below, you may use the images to create posters, greeting cards, invitations, calendars, reports or catalogs. The restrictions are: (i) You may NOT resell, sublicense or distribute the clip art or photo images in any electronic form, including, on any on-line service or the Internet. For example, you may NOT include clip art or photos in another software product for resale, or distribute the clip art or photos on any on-line bulletin board service. (ii) You may NOT use photos of identifiable people, trade names or trademarks in any product for sale, distribution, or in any public presentation or public display. For example, you may use photos of people in private presentations, but not in newsletters, advertisements or public presentations. (iii) You may NOT use photos of people or identifiable entities in any manner which suggests the endorsement or association of any product or service or in connection with any pornographic or immoral materials. For example, you may use a photo of a non-human object such as an animal in an advertisement, but you may not use a photo of a person in an advertisement. (iv) You may NOT resell or distribute the clip art or photo images as clip art collections, photo collections or stock photography. (v) Users must credit SoftKey as provided below. 2. Sounds: You may use the sounds in advertisements, public or private presentations, business communications, multimedia presentations, and other similar uses. You may also incorporate, modify and resell the sounds in electronic programs, such as software programs and games; provided, however, the program into which the sounds are incorporated must not be a mere collection of sound effects or other content. You are prohibited from sublicensing any sounds or distributing any sounds through on-line services (such as bulletin boards or the world wide web) or through electronic information providers. Users must credit SoftKey as provided below. 3. Fonts: You may use and resell the fonts in printed form in materials such as books, newsletters and other publications; however you may not include any font file in another software product for resale or resell or distribute the font in any electronic form, including distributions through on-line services (such as bulletin boards) or electronic information providers. Users must credit SoftKey as provided below. 4. Copyright Notice: End users that use the clip art, photographs, sound or fonts as described above must credit SoftKey and reproduce the following notice in the publication: "(c) 1996 SoftKey International Inc. and its licensors."